Monday, March 23, 2009


We have been blessed dearly with good friends and family. I plan to start sharing about some of the wonderful ways we have been encouraged over the last few weeks in upcoming posts. Today, though, I want to say thank you to the man at the center of it husband. Of all the people that have prayed, encouraged, shared, and served, it is his grace has helped me the most. Watching this quiet, humble man go through this misery has been inspiring to me. He is truly my hero. He doesn't complain. He isn't bitter. He shows no fear. When he is down, he prays. His faith is amazing. He remains more concerned about others than himself. He takes his treatment and is resolute about doing all he needs to do to get better. Without his courage and leadership, I would still be falling apart. I am blessed with far more than I deserve.

Thank you for joining me in praying for Marc and for supporting our family during this time. I look forward to sharing some of your stories in upcoming days.

With love and gratitude...

1 comment:

  1. I can't think of a better man to be my sister's husband than Marc. It speaks to the nature of the world that something as sinister as cancer could affect such a good man, and reading about and witnessing his faith and grace also speak volumes about the best of humanity. Marc is a shining example of what it is to be a man after God's own heart, and I count myself privileged to have him as my brother. We continue to pray each and every day for you, Marc and the kids.

