Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cup Overflowing

I prayed a simple prayer yesterday as Marc started his treatment. I prayed that his treatment would not only be effective, but that we would see quickly that the cancer is responding. I don't know what I had hoped to see....until I saw it. God encouraged us this morning. After weeks of pain he woke up feeling better this morning. The pain in his right side is gone and the pain in his left side lessened. He felt better. We don't know what it means exactly, but the fact that the only thing that has changed has been his chemotherapy is encouraging to us. I felt my simple prayer had been answered in a very clear and quick way.

Marc has had another good day with treatment. He ate well today and enjoyed not hurting. He looks much better -- the color is back in his face and the circles under his eyes are gone. He suffers from fatigue, but we expected that. Tomorrow he will go in to have his pump unhooked and he will be free until the 31st. We are looking forward to spring break with the kids and maybe, just maybe, not shadowing the door of a clinic or hospital. That would be a huge blessing and a total change of routine for us!

I had the chance to go to Bible study this morning. We have been studying Romans and today we were discussing Romans 12. For those you reading our blog that may not have a Bible background, this chapter teaches about serving God with spiritual gifts. It speaks to being of one body and serving each other. We belong to each other just as every body part belongs to the whole body. We have never felt that more than we have in the last month. This body has served us with more gifts than we ever thought possible. It is a beautiful thing to watch!

The other image that has come to mind in the last couple of days has been the cup overflowing. I understand this image so well now. I see my cup filling up with prayers, meals for my family, acts of service, offers for babysitting, encouragement, grace, and love. I can't take it all in fast enough and my cup is literally overflowing with good things "pressed down, shaken together, and running over." This is God's love hailing down on us in a tangible way. He has not just met our needs right now, but has given to us in excess. Thank you to all of you who have and continue to give to us. Through your gifts we have felt abundantly blessed and we are able to face this time with great peace and comfort. You have no idea how big of a deal that is!

Thank you for your continued prayers. I know I say that in every email and every posting, but I can't say thank you enough. We are excited to report back that we are encouraged and feel that those prayers are being answered in a very visible way.

With love and gratitude...


  1. Your strength and grace is amazing...a true inspiration. Your words bring a tear to my eye for so many reasons. Thank you for reminding me of the goodness in my childhood faith. It's been buried under cynicism for too long. Stay strong - you're a model to all.
    Much love,
    Suzy W.
