Monday, March 30, 2009

The Gift of Knowledge

This is Elo and Roger (and yes, that is a guy with an accordion in the background....but that's a story for a different day). We met Elo and Roger through our church Growth Group years ago. We have considered them dear friends ever since. Though life and circumstances change, we have always managed to come back together for Bible study. They have been gracious enough to host our group for several years and this year volunteered to be our leaders.

Elo and Roger have been an incredible blessing to us over the years. In recent weeks we have appreciated their insights as doctors. Both have been able to help us better understand Marc's cancer. They have asked helpful questions and shed light on many of the issues surrounding his treatment. Their willingness to share their knowledge has helped alleviate a lot of confusion and uncertainty.

Their knowledge isn't limited to the medical field. They also know full well what it means to have friends with cancer. I remember a couple of years ago seeing Elo crying during worship at church. She told me that her best friend, Armida, had been diagnosed with metastatic cancer in her bone. The prognosis wasn't good. She was a wife and mom of two. The whole situation hit me hard. Not only could I identify as a mom with Armida, but the fact that she was such a dear person to Elo made it incredibly personal. To this day I have never met Armida, but I think her often and feel a tremendous connection to her. We prayed diligently for her in her weeks of treatment. We prayed for a miracle; for a great mercy. After just a few weeks of treatment, Armida's cancer was no longer visible on her scans. To this day she is cancer free. There is never a day that I don't think of God's great mercy on us by healing Armida. Now, more than ever, I think of her battle against cancer as a great source of hope. Elo reminds me constantly that there are no absolutes in this fight and that there is always hope. There are miracles....She should know. She helped me see one.

Elo and Roger have been a huge source of comfort to Marc and me. They were gracious enough to host a large group of family and friends at their home to pray for Marc. I was overwhelmed that so many would show up on a Saturday afternoon to simply pray over us. This was a beautiful and humbling experience -- one I am not likely ever to forget. I can't thank these two enough for suggesting the idea and sacrificing their Saturday to host us.

Roger and Elo, thank you for being committed friends. Thank you for the wisdom and knowledge you share and the grace with which you share it. Your knowledge and experience have helped us so much in the past few weeks. Thank you for making us ask the hard questions and encouraging us with messages of hope and love. I appreciate all the time you have sacrificed for us -- visiting us in the hospital, watching the kids, opening your home to all of us. We are blessed to call you friends.

With love and gratitude...

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