Sunday, August 8, 2010


I have received a lot of phone calls this week, which means I haven't been keeping the blog up to date.  I have noticed a theme when it comes to the questions that everyone is asking.  I thought it might help if I answered  the most frequently asked questions here. 

Q.  How are Marc's spirits?

          Marc continues to be at peace with his decision.  His spirits are good.

Q.  Is he eating?

      Nothing of consequence.  His last real meal was June 18th.  He does eat liquids and semi-liquids.  His hydration comes primarily from an IV bag given overnight.

Q.  So, is he gaining any weight?

     No.  He is currently at 143 pounds.

Q.  Does he have any energy?

      No.  He sleeps most of the day.  He saves his energy for an occasional outing, watching a movie with the kids, or seeing visitors.

Q.  How is his infection?

      Much improved, but not completely resolved.

Q.  How are the kids?

      They continue to amaze us.  They are communicative and aware of all that is happening.  They grieve everyday like the rest of us.  They also laugh hard and play every single day, too.  We are assured this is normal in a child's grief process.

Q.  How are you?

      I'm tired, but doing fine.

Q.  No, really, how are you?

      Really, I'm doing fine.  I have my moments, but God gives me the strength and courage for each day.  Like the kids, I grieve each day, but also find joy each day.  I am weak, but He is strong.....

Q.  Do you need anything?

      Some days yes and some days no.  Our needs vary from needing an errand run or help on a project, to just needing time alone with our little family.  It's a moving target.  I promise if we do need something, we will ask.  We are getting better at asking.  Promise.

Q.  How can we be praying for you?

      Also a moving target.  Depends on the day...the minute.  Probably the biggest thing we need prayer for as a family is continued peace, strength, and courage, in the days ahead.  That covers a multitude of smaller issues that come up on a daily basis. 

Thank you all for your continued love and support.  We are grateful for all of the concern and prayers. 
With love and gratitude....


  1. Thanks, Jane, for taking the time to give us an update. You, Marc and the kids are in our prayers daily, and we think of you often. We continue to pray that in the midst of it all each of you will experience the Lord's presence, comfort and strength, moment by moment. Love, Tonya and the Walmer Family

  2. Jane

    Ofelia has informed me of Marc's battle from the beginning and since that time I have continued to pray for your family. I'm always asking Ofelia how your family is doing and your strength and courage amaze me. I just wanted to let you know that myself and my family continue to pray for yours. God is in control and he will provide for and protect all of you. I pray his loving peace will surround you and your family. If there is ever anything I can do, now or in the future please let Ofelia know. May God be with you.....Cecilia Braaten

  3. Jane, this is so you to make it a FAQ. I admit, I have asked you every one of these questions, probably once a week.
