Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Doctor Appointment

I received several calls today, asking about how Marc's doctor appointment went today.  Unlike previous appointments, when we learned critical information or had to make difficult choices, this appointment was just to touch base with his palliative care doctor.  Many of you have asked what role the palliative care doctor plays.  Basically, his role is to handle Marc's pain and help him achieve a level of comfort during the dying process.  There are no more tests, no more waiting for results, no more treatments.  This doctor works with Marc and with hospice to make him as comfortable as possible.  I am sorry if many of you misunderstood the objective of the appointment today.  We truly hope we didn't  mislead anyone into thinking we are pursuing more options or treatments.  Any cure for Marc's cancer from here on out will not rest in the hands of doctors, but in the Lord's.

Thank you all for continuing to care and to pray.   We are blessed by every single one of you.

With love and gratitude....


  1. Marc,Jane & Family,
    Our prayers are with you always and I pray that the doctor will find a comfort for all of you. I have many praying for all of you here where we live. God has all of you in his hands always. He has also placed his healing hands on Marc also. I know he will give you and your family peace and comfort that you need. We love you take care. If you need anything let us know. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU.

    In God's Love & Ours,

    Herman & Pam

  2. Praying for all the family. Grief is close to God's heart, Jane. Do you not hear the Father weeping for your pain and loss? Yet we grieve as those who have hope! (Oh, the emptiness of having no hope!!) Cry often and cry hard; there will be time of rejoicing some day because we have that hope.

  3. Hi Jane,

    Thanks for posting the update on Marc. We're in Indonesia, but I wanted to check & see how your man is doing.

    It was a pleasure to see you two Saturday evening.

    Love you both & your dear family,


  4. Jane,
    Praying for you today friend. Hugs to you and the kiddos. Praying for Marc too, that he feels the Lord's presence. Hugs to you. Call if you need me,
    Heather W.

  5. Hi Jane,

    I am still lifting you, Marc and your family up in prayer daily.


    Natalie Rasmussen
