Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Thank you all you wonderful people that have been praying for us! We can't tell you how much it has helped us in the last two weeks.

Today we got the results from Marc's CT scan. I had been praying that we would see obvious signs that the tumor is shrinking. Well, that isn't the case, but we are grateful for the news we received. From the scan it appears that the tumor is about the same size and location. It actually measures a fraction of a centimeter larger, but the doctor wasn't too concerned about that -- he attributes that amount of change to position or other outside factors. The doctor was very encouraged that the cancer hasn't spread and appears stable. He believes the tumor is reacting how it should to the chemotherapy. The tumor markers are going down consistently and Marc is no longer in pain from the cancer -- all signs that it could be becoming dormant. He also felt that the tumor is more mobile, meaning it is likely no longer adhering to his abdominal wall. These are all good signs that things are still moving in the right direction.

At this time Marc will continue on the same chemo regimen for the next six rounds. He was hoping they would lay off a bit, but he is tolerating the treatments well enough that the doctor wants to keep nuking it. He is also adding another component to his regimen. This medication will hopefully reduce the number of blood vessels supporting the tumor in hopes of starving it. After three of these treatments they will scan again to see if the tumor is reacting. This is a new prayer need for us. We were informed today that this medication is not FDA approved for the type of cancer that Marc has. There may be a possibility that insurance will not pay for it. We initiated treatment today without knowing if it will be covered. This is not an inexpensive treatment and if it is not covered we will be financially liable and there is no way we can afford to pay these medical costs. A scary thought. Please pray with us that this treatment will be covered as the doctor feels it will greatly increase the effectiveness of Marc's chemotherapy.

Again, thank you all for your continued prayers and support. I must thank my dear friends, Mel and Jennifer, once again for taking the kids all day. This was a long day of appointments and treatments. I am so grateful to be able to sit with Marc for all of it. The fact that we have friends willing to help so generously with the kids during summer break is a huge blessing. We are so grateful!

With love and gratitude....

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