Friday, June 5, 2009

Eye of the Storm

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Yesterday we had the quite the thunderstorm at our house. It was a big topic of conversation between friends and family today! Marc and I had heard the weather forecast and quickly brought the horses in and wrapped up stuff outside. We turned off all our electronics and shut all the windows. We then gathered the kids and made for the front porch for the big show!

As we sat on the porch we marveled at the size of the storm rolling in. We could see these huge grey clouds looming on the horizon. The air was really humid and all the birds stopped singing. We heard a few rumbles of thunder and the wind picked up. Within minutes we could see fast moving clouds rolling over us, lightning sparking on the edges. The thunder was non-stop and we were in awe of the lightning bolts cracking nearby. It was a powerful sight! As we watched the light show, we could see the wall of water marching right behind it. I'm not exaggerating -- it was literally a wall of rain. I know those of you in the Midwest and the south are accustomed to deluges, but here it is a unique sight to see a field flooded in minutes. The rain hit the roof and gutters so hard that we were behind a waterfall of rain and mist on the porch. Breathtaking to say the least!

Watching that storm roll over our property like a huge black blanket, I couldn't help but relate it to my own life this week. I have commented on several occasions that I feel overwhelmed by the constant barrage of stress and hard news. It seems that there has not been a break from the black rain cloud that has shadowed us recently. I don't mean to say that life right now is all bad -- I'm not quite Eeyore yet; however, I find myself growing weary of having to look past all the grief and stress surrounding us right now to find the blessings. I told Marc this week that I would welcome something just "plain good" -- some bit of news, an event, an interaction, that was pure and wonderful. Something to rejoice in. Instead, I have felt like I have been standing there with cloud after cloud rolling over me without an end in sight.

As I sat on the porch I noticed how excited my kids were. They were deliciously afraid at every crack of thunder and flash of lightning. As the rain started they were on the edge of the porch, gasping as the mist and rain startled them. They were enjoying the thrill of God's power. My mind until then was occupied with other concerns. I was wondering what I would make for dinner if the power were to go out. Did I turn off the computer? Were there any windows that I left open? And what about the garden? Would the seedlings that just popped up make it through such a powerful downpour? My kids' delight reminded me that sometimes the storm just needs to be experienced. There isn't anything else to do, but marvel at His power and stand in awe of what He can do.

I have thought a lot about the storm today. I feel like I have been in the eye of the storm all week, black clouds swirling around -- grief, worry, anxiety. But storms are powerful things. They demand our attention. And, as we watch, we get to see His power unleashed. So, in the midst of my stormy week, I look to the Lord to show me His amazing power and what He can do in my life. How is he going to use this turbulent time in my life to reflect His strength? How is He going to work His wonders through the midst of my storm so that we can all see Him? I just pray that I can react like my kids did to a thunderstorm. I want to embrace the experience with fear and awe, but with the anticipation that I am about to see something glorious in all of it!

Please help us prepare for next week. We would appreciate prayer for the following:
  • That Marc's scan results are encouraging and that we are beating this cancer.
  • That Marc's next round of chemo is tolerable and that the side effects (especially the numbness in his mouth and fingers) are minimal
  • That his re-entry into the work world is positive and seamless. He is so excited to return!
  • That I am emotionally strong enough to make it through Grandma's memorial service and burial. Her passing in and of itself is difficult, but the nature of her cancer and its result has hit very close to home for us.
  • We have chosen to allow the older children to attend both services. We are praying that is a wise choice.

With love and gratitude....

Some pictures of our big storm watching!

Waiting for the storm...

A few minutes later. A few lightning strikes. Notice how dark it got!

Rain waterfall!

The audience decided it was a bit too wet and windy. Time to retreat behind the quilt.

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