Saturday, March 20, 2010

Upcoming Week

Marc continues to feel the effects of this round of chemotherapy.  He has a lot of pain and fatigue.  Our largest concern right now is the swelling of his abdomen.  From what we can discern at this point is that there is a lot of fluid building up.  Whether this is a result of cancer progression or a reaction to the chemotherapy, we cannot tell. 

The swelling has become a big enough problem that the CT scan we had scheduled for the 29th will be moved up to this week.  The doctor is concerned enough that he wants to see what is happening.  We should have the results from that scan (hopefully) by Wednesday.  We will update you all when we know something.

This scan is critical.  We will find out this week if the chemotherapy is working to shrink/kill the tumor.  If it is, Marc will continue on with this drug regimen.  If it is not working and there is progression, we don't know what comes next.  There isn't much out there that we haven't tried.  Needless to say, we are very anxious for this test and the results. 

We would be grateful for your continued prayers in the upcoming days.   If you are able, please pray that the results show shrinkage and/or tumor death.  Please pray for our anxiety and stress in the upcoming days.  We are very anxious to know what is happening, but fear bad news.  Thank you...every single one of you...for all of your prayers and support. 

With love and gratitude....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Griffiths, Glad to hear things are stable with the scan and the possibility that Marc's fluid issue could be chemo related. Blessings are strange sometimes. I had a blip in finding a positive lymphnode in my scan. The blessing is that it is only one node and not in many places.
    We had a similar Blessing by some GSCC High Ground guys. They built us a 200ft fence around our property and finished many projects for us in an afternoon. It was really awesome to behold. I don't know what happened to your email from last week, so it went this route to communicate! Sorry, Maria said we could have your family over next Saturday the 10th if that works for you. Have a great weekend.
    Greg and the Kullas
