Thursday, March 25, 2010

I digress

I consider myself to be a pretty courageous eater.  I will try anything once.  I'm not picky when it comes to food.  However, I discovered this evening that even I have my limits.

Julia and I decided that we would cook a nice meal together....things we like.  The boys are at my folks for a sleepover and  Marc is still off his chow (paracentesis benefits didn't last...more on that later).  We decided to make a mint cucumber salad, some whole grain bread, and some cod fillets.  Nothing exciting, but we had fun making it and were starving by the time it was finished.

We sat down and I went to cut into my fillet when I noticed something not-so-fishy.  What at first looked like a blood vessel ended up being a worm.  Gross.  Upon further investigation I found another.  I was done.  I couldn't go on.   My typical attitude would not be so dramatic, but something told me not to eat any of it.  So, I heated up some leftovers and abandoned our cute little dinner.  I'm glad I did.  After writing the seafood company an ironic comment or two, I researched our little guests.  Come to find out that they are a health hazard cooked and uncooked.  Who knew.

So the Griffith adventures continue on a daily basis.  It's never dull around here.  I often wish it weren't so exciting.

I digress.  Meanwhile back at the ranch....

Thanks for continuing to pray for Marc.  As I mentioned earlier, Marc is back to feeling cruddy.  The benefits of his paracentesis lasted less than 24 hours.   The fluid came back with a vengeance.  They prescribed a diuretic in an attempt to get rid of the excess fluid, but it doesn't appear to be working.  He will have another paracentesis tomorrow if he doesn't improve.  There are risks to doing this procedure too frequently.  We aren't sure what our options are after this.  I imagine we will have to wait until next week to find out. 

With love and gratitude...

1 comment:

  1. Oh that's gross.... EW EW EW I saw that pic and it gave me shivers. Where did you buy it? So I can stay away from there.... LOL

    Sorry to hear Marc has got the fluid back. Always in my prayers.

    Love ya.
