Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Another Change of Plan

Marc decided last week that he wanted to go back on nutritional therapy (TPN) to gain some weight and strength back. His weight has dropped to under 120 pounds and he has been really weak. His tumor has been quiet for a few weeks now and hasn't been causing him any pain. He went off all of his pain meds last week and has had no pain (nasty withdrawal symptoms, but no pain). He figures if he isn't going to be in pain he might as well have the energy to enjoy family and friends. So, after talking to hospice he has decided to give TPN a try again.

In the next day or so he will be going off of hospice to be admitted back into the care of his doctors at OHSU. He will spend the better part of this week at the hospital while they monitor his reaction to the therapy. The plan is that he will be admitted tomorrow, but beds on the oncology floor are full so it may not happen until Friday.  We are on standby.  I should know by tomorrow morning if we are to report to the hospital or not.
After he is released from the hospital, he will be put back on hospice and will return home. In the meantime, there are a ton of prayer requests. First, that this would be a success for Marc. Often times introducing this treatment at this stage can have devastating effects (congestive heart failure, liver failure, etc.). We are hoping this buys him a couple of weeks. He is determined not to pass away in September. He doesn't want to die in a month when there are family birthdays. This is his goal.

Please pray for the kids. This is the first week of school and it will make the week and weekend hectic for everyone. Ironically, this is exactly how the last week of school ended....Dad in the hospital. Not a fun time. Lastly, please pray for me. I am way, way, way overwhelmed. I feel like Gumby being stretched a million different pivotal directions. I am struggling with being there for Marc and with being there for the kids as they start back to school. I'm as tired as I have ever been. The weariness in combination with being pulled in different directions has me really anxious. I long for sleep, a manageable schedule, and peace in my heart. All are elusive right now.

Last, please pray for my girls.  Julia has been battling a nasty case of molluscum -- a viral skin condition -- for several months.  It has really flared up in the last couple of days and is causing her a great deal of discomfort.  It itches and hurts, making it difficult for her to function during the day and sleep at night.  She is miserable.  I do have an appointment with a specialist at OHSU, but it's next Thursday.  Please pray that she will be able to muddle through until then.  Also, please pray for Sophia.  She decided to see if I was really telling the truth by warning her not to touch the hot stove top.  I left the room after boiling water for tea and she couldn't resist touching the red hot element.  She burned her fingertips quite badly.  Argh.  Not a pretty sight.

Despite how crazy and overwhelming life seems right now, I am grateful and still feel blessed.  I want to say thanks to my parents for helping with Marc and Sophia this week so that I could run the kids to and from school.  A big thanks to Amy for helping me with Julia's skin rash.  She was able to direct me to the specialist that deals with this crud (and share in my frustration).  Many thanks to Glenn, Burton, Ed, and Dad, for cutting, splitting, and delivering, a big cord of wood today.  That was work the kids and I were dreading!  When we are snug and warm this winter we will remember those four sweet guys fondly!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Lastly, thank you everyone that keeps encouraging us with emails, texts, and phone calls.  It warms my heart the number of times folks stop what they are doing to tell us how much they care. 

With love and gratitude..


  1. Hi Jane, We call Good Shepherd home even though we are away for another year at the Young Life camp in central OR. Our family is praying for yours - we will continue lifting you up as you transition into school and new treatment. Hugs dear Sister in the Lord.

  2. Hi Marc and Jane! We will be at the hospital on the 27th of Sept. for Matt's next infusion if you end up being there. We are there as well this Friday for a neurology appt. if you are going. If there is anything you need, just let us know. We are also in the midst of testing on Matt to see if he will continue his Avastin. It looks good so far, he will be tested again this next week. You are continually in our prayers as we pray for Marc's healing. And your ability to have the extra strength you need.
    Love, Matt and Anna

  3. Hi friend,
    Praying for you this week as you deal with grief, anxiety, and school. I am here if you need me for anything. Hugs,
    Heather Wendler
