Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Frustrating Update

No treatment today. Marc's tumor marker went from 85 to 196. We don't know what his blood draw will show from today, but we are assuming that they will reflect another increase. Based on that information they have deemed his current chemotherapy regimen ineffective. Tomorrow he will go in for another CT scan. They will determine if the tumor has grown or if the cancer has spread. We are scheduled to meet with the doctor on Monday to discuss what he thinks should happen next. We will also be seeking a second opinion and try to make a wise decision going forward.

We were told today that this does happen. The tumor, like everything else in the body, can grow resistant to certain medications and treatments. Basically his cancer has figured out how to beat this system. We are on to the next, but we were warned that after first line treatment, the success of the treatments becomes less likely. We need a miracle.

We are both taking this news hard. Marc is struggling with being back at the beginning and having made no progress. Nine miserable treatments without remission. I have no better word than brutal. For me....well...I am devastated. Holding it together today around the kids was an emotional juggling act. We are both having to dig really deep right now.

We would appreciate your prayers in the next few days while we try to figure this out. We would love it if the lab results were a fluke and today's blood draw shows a miraculous decrease. Anyhow, prayers and support right now would be most appreciated. I know many of you have a lot of questions and are wanting more detail; however, we aren't prepared right now to talk on the phone or in person. It's just too hard. I will try to update here as I learn more and will do my best to answer everyone's questions and hear suggestions. If you have either, please email us or post here.

With much love and gratitude...


  1. My heart is broken. I wish that I could change it, but I can't. I pray and know that God will be with through all of this, but also know that the pain is still so difficult. Love, Sheila and family

  2. Jane, i am so sorry. Praying right this minute.

  3. Jane, I am very sorry about your news. I am praying for Marc and your family. My prayer group is praying for Marc too.
    Love, Pat Haak

  4. DearCousin,
    It's times like these that we want to scream WHY, WHY WHY?? Even though it feels like God is silent right now, and it is so dark you can't see Him, just know He IS there, in the darkness. You are loved, we are continuing to hold you,Marc and the kiddo's in our prayers.
    Sending our loves and hugs,
    Betty and Joe
