Friday, February 5, 2010

Unknown Variable: Winter Storm

We have counted down the days until this weekend. Both of us have anxiously been looking forward to meeting the surgeon and getting this process going. We have organized everything -- childcare, travel arrangements...everything. Well, almost everything. Wouldn't you know that D.C. is expecting a huge snowstorm tonight and tomorrow. Who woulda thunk it?!? We are supposed to leave Sunday afternoon. This will likely be the first clear day in the city, according the weather sites. We are chuckling a little bit -- have to laugh or we might cry! Please pray that we are able to fly on Sunday and have our appointment on Monday. Obviously, the weather is something we couldn't plan for, nor can we control it. It's just going to take some old fashioned prayer and a faith that God knows what He is doing to trust that this will somehow all work out. So, if you have a moment to pray for the weather....Would you mind?


  1. Praying friend! Heather W.

  2. Shoot! Praying and crossing everything I have!
