Friday, September 18, 2009


The last couple of weeks are hard to sum up. Sometimes it's easier to process the present when I reflect on the past. I think back to mid June and July when we were frustrated and upset. It seemed like nothing was going our way and everything seemed so bleak. There was also the post, "Uncle," from April when I shared some tough emotions, too. We have had quite of few of those times in the last seven months. I'm thinking of the times when things have been so bad that they don't seem like they could get any worse, but then somehow they do.

I like reflecting back on those times. I become more aware of the good times and our abundant blessings. We are in one of those seasons right now. We have enjoyed a truly amazing couple of weeks. Counting blessings this month doesn't seem to take the hard effort that it has in recent months. Life has been fun and pleasant -- a welcome change in our world.

I'll summarize some of the best parts of the last couple of weeks. I'll try to keep it brief....
  • OHSU continues to be a wonderful place. We are grateful to be there. The care is thorough and they truly make the patient experience as positive as possible.
  • Marc is doing great with this chemo regimen. While it's never a cake walk, this treatment seems much more tolerable.
  • In addition to the treatment being easier on his system, it appears that he is getting initial benefit from it. He said last week that he was pain free and feeling as good as he has in over a year!
  • Marc and I enjoyed a work retreat in Vancouver, B.C. this past weekend. We enjoyed the time being just "us" and having a break from the kids. The last time we had that much time alone was when Marc was in the hospital in February. Granted, those accommodations were expensive and he did have room service, but we much preferred the lovely accommodations and activities that his employer provided in beautiful B.C.! It was a refreshing time away.
  • Marc's work is going well. He is enjoying being back in the game again. I'm happy having my house and routine back :) Life is pretty normal (whatever that is) these days.
  • The kids returned to school this week. Please picture me right now doing an exuberant dance of joy! Can I just say...Woo-hoo!!!!
  • The most memorable experience, though, has been Marc connecting with his father and sister. Marc has never had the opportunity to meet his dad or his family until two weeks ago. We have tried unsuccessfully for years to locate him, but we always ran into dead ends. This time was different! A couple of pieces of the puzzle came together and we were able to contact him. This has been a very positive experience for Marc and he is enjoying learning about his father, sisters, and a very rich family heritage.

So, all in all, we don't have much to complain about. Life is good and we are enjoying the abundant blessings in our lives right now. It's humbling looking back on the sadder and gloomier posts. I wish I had known then about how good things were going to be a few short weeks away when I was in those darker places. I guess that's why I'm reflecting now. The next time the darkness closes in, I will do my best to remember this season. He takes away...and He gives. For all those prayers I cried out for relief and comfort....I am now offering back in prayers of thanksgiving. I am grateful for this time and the good things in it!

I just want to say thanks to all of you for caring about us so much. We are grateful to our friends and loved ones. This continues to be a game of endurance. Thank you for staying with us during the really rough times. Your encouragement and prayers have meant so very much to us. Because of that it's always so much fun to post something positive and good. Thanks for letting us share our good news!

With love and gratitude....

1 comment:

  1. Smiles with tears of joy here. you are loved!
    Betty and Joe and Aunt Viola
