Saturday, September 19, 2009

Bunny Saga Continues

Many of you have asked how the infamous bunnies are doing. After a week of little Star trying to commit suicide, we decided to let her go. Basically, every time Julia went near the cage to play with her she would freak out and jump so violently that she would smash herself on the roof of the hutch. I spent some time reiterating to Julia that she was a wild animal and would likely never be tame enough to play with. She was sad, but in the end she made the right choice. Star is now off free to do what wild bunnies do. I'm sure we will enjoy seeing Star's offspring roaming the property for many years to come!

While we still have to two rabbits that came with the hutch, Julia was so sad to lose the cute little baby bunny. I compromised with her and told her we would shop for just the right baby bunny for her. Who is the big softy now? Sigh. Anyhow, we finally located the perfect baby for her and picked it up today. Sugar is the newest addition. She is half English Lop, half Champagne. She looks a lot like Star, but sports some really crazy ears and is incredibly mellow. While she is only 8 weeks old, she appears to be full grown. I anticipate this will be quite a large bunny before all is said and done!

So, enjoy the pictures and teasing me about being the softer parent! It all ends well....Julia is one delighted girl.

1 comment:

  1. Jane I am glad you went the route you did. She is growing up so fast and looking like you more everyday. What a great mamma you are. I imagine she will always remember this "bunny time" in her life.
    We love you and continue to keep you in our prayers.
    Betty, Joe and Aunt Viola
