Thursday, May 14, 2009

Numbers, numbers...

Just a quick update on a couple of things. First, Marc's tumor marker moved down another 31 points with the last treatment. We are encouraged that things are still moving in the right direction and we are making progress. His next CT scan is June 2nd. Please pray that we will have a miraculous report from that test! I am anxious for that day.

Second, this treatment round (#5) seems to be treating him a bit better. He is tired, but is not suffering from the nausea like he did the last two times. This is a huge answer to prayer.

Lastly, and on a completely different subject, our legal matters regarding the house fire have been resolved. The contractor settled out of court with our insurance company. We don't have to go to trial! Sigh. A huge relief to say the very least.

Many thanks for your continued prayers and support. While we are encouraged by the direction of Marc's treatment, we are certainly not out of the woods. In many ways I feel like we are in the initial miles of a marathon and I have hit "the wall." The waiting and uncertainty are daunting at times. I would appreciate your prayers. I'm finding this to be a long and uncertain road and in these past few days my shoes have felt really heavy.

With love and gratitude....

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear of Marc's "statistically significant" improvement! Wow, and I thought I'd never use that phrase outside of statistics class...

    Hitting the wall in life, much like in distance running, means one thing: the second wind will come next. I am sure that the results from Marc's CT will provide that second wind to you and the family. I am sure of it. We all continue to pray for you, Marc and the kids. I pray that you all will feel rejuvenated with the steady stream of good news.

    Remember: your brother loves you very much!
