Tuesday, August 18, 2009

How Rabbits Multiply or Unexpected Life Events

Saturday we woke up and hit our chore list right away. I stayed inside to clean and Marc went out to clear some limbs from our fir trees. A little while later, Julia came to the sliding glass door and was very excited to show me her new bunny. Evidently, while Marc was clearing brush, he stumbled on a baby cottontail. My brow immediately furrowed -- wild animals are...well...wild and shouldn't be kept as pets. I tried to communicate this to my daughter, but she appealed with, "Daddy said I could keep it." Did he now? I grabbed the little fluff (already named Star...ugh) and marched out to the woods. Marc was looking pretty sheepish at this point. His defense: "You tell her she can't keep it." I looked at her and she turned on the blue eyed charm. Sigh. Bunny...er... I mean Star had a new home.

After I conceded, I casually asked where we should keep the rodent...uh...I mean Star. Marc thought a laundry basket would do quite nicely. I gave him the look of death. ( You see, when Marc and I were first married we "rescued" four cottontails and kept them in a laundry basket in our apartment. The chew marks are still evident on the laundry basket and I vividly recall them getting out and dashing for small, dark hiding places). He was unphased by the look of death. This was serious.

"Okay, but we are getting a real hutch for this thing. No laundry baskets!" I marched back to the house and called Mel. She knows everyone in East County. She would know someone with a cheap hutch. Bingo! She knew just the person. A gal in Gresham had a lovely two story hutch she was looking to unload for FREE. The catch was it came with two bunnies. Perfect.

So, after church Saturday we picked up the five foot, 250 pound, made from scratch, rabbit hutch. Oh yeah...and the two rabbits, food, feeders, etc. Marc was now giving me the look of death. I was unphased.

After loading the quite enormous rabbit hutch we headed home for dinner. We finished our meal and Julia was desperate to look at her new pet. I took the bungee cords and cardboard off the basket only to find it empty. Nothing. No bunny. Frantically we started looking around the kitchen for the little vermin. We found it cowering behind the stove (the perfect small, dark hiding place). Oh yeah, this thing is going to love being a pet! After ten minutes of maneuvering we finally had the bunny in hand again, much to my daughter's delight

We spent the next morning unloading the hutch and setting up little living areas for all of our new pets. It was quite chaotic. As I watched the dog yipping and salivating, the kids scrambling to be helpful, and Marc making small repairs to the hutch, I wondered how we had gotten to this crazy life scene. When had we planned to own rabbits? That wasn't on the radar twenty-four hours earlier. But, then this year we have learned that much of life is unexpected. There is much we have experienced this year that wasn't planned. Some things just happen.

All I have to say is that some things around here happen faster than usual. I mean, really....I know bunnies multiply quickly, but we went from none, to one, to three, in less than eight hours! Now that is unexpected!

We thought you all would enjoy some of our daily Griffith adventures instead of the usual medical run-down. Lots of good stuff happens during the in-between times. They are treasured blessings and we are glad to share them!

Enjoy the pics!

With love and gratitude.....

Can I keep him?

Little Star

More to Love!


  1. So glad to be of service to you. Knowing everyone has it's benefits on occasion. ;o)


  2. All I can say is this has to be a chapter all of it's own in that book you are going to write some day :). Thank you for making us both laugh today. You have such a wonderful way with words.
    You are continually in our prayers,
    much love,
    Betty and Joe

  3. Now THAT is funny stuff!

    The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it? To think that my sister has a daughter with the same juvenile-onset animal collecting habit...well, it's just poetic justice.

    If it's any consolation, it makes for some cute photography! :b

  4. Hey, I got a rabbit in somewhat the same way...well, not really. The teacher I work with turned on the charm and said, "Wouldn't your girls love a pet bunny?" Sure. He's cost us plenty in all the stuff he's chewed. But, we can get rid of the carpet now since he chewed a hole through it! Happy to hear the stories of everyday life! Missed you at the reunion.
